Smart Klaus THT improves performance using deep learning and BOM import

The new version of the Smart Klaus camera-based assistance system is part of our strategic approach aimed at greater digitalisation on the shop floor. A key aim is to constantly optimise performance so that the assistance system can be used efficiently in the manufacturing industry.

The import of bills of materials (BOM) and CAD data has taken us a huge step closer to achieving this aim. Thanks to the upload of BOM data, an inspection program can now identify and select all components in just one work step. This has dramatically reduced the time required for set-up. CAD data makes the process even faster, as this also provides information relating to the height, which is a key characteristic for visual identification.

The data is imported offline at a separate workstation, preventing the production process from being interrupted. In the new version, the created recipe, which contains precise instructions about which part to check, how to perform this check and in what order, is saved as a file rather than in a database. This means that it can easily be made available at other production sites.

Deep learning and artificial intelligence

Another milestone is the ability to teach in multiple reference images. This enables a greater variety of variants and reduces the number of pseudo-errors. For THT assembly, we have already set up a comparator for electrolytic capacitors. Coils also used to be a frequent cause of error messages. Using artificial intelligence, Smart Klaus is now able to learn independently and identify a variety of different original and second-source products.

New operating concept

Recipes are shown in a flow chart on the monitor. Even complicated processes that are often encountered when using peripheral equipment can be displayed very clearly and also adapted. 
In the recipe designer, wizards help the user to create recipes. When defining recipes, in order words inspection plans, the integrated bill of materials (BOM) can be used as the basis or can form part of the selection list.

We have also made some changes to the hardware. A touchscreen panel on the right-hand side of the worktable provides more space for the working monitor and helps select recipes. The monitor is within the user's reach, ensuring they maintain an ergonomic posture. The option to zoom in on components for accurate identification of detailed shapes is another new addition.

Multiple uses

This new functionality provides additional benefits, as previously each board had to be taught in separately. Now, Smart Klaus creates a virtual copy based on the number of different uses. This makes it possible to teach in an entire soldering frame with multiple uses in just one work step, saving a great deal of time.