The solution is a high-performance projector that we have now equipped the Smart Klaus THT assistance system with. It transmits the defined position frames onto the work surface and therefore indicates the correct mounting positions for every use. The worker can decide for themselves the order in which to install components. They are then guided on to the next step in the usual way.
For more effective guidance, it is now also possible to set markers in different colours. Moreover, the work instructions can be projected in a flexible manner, which represents further progress in simple operation and work ergonomics. And, best of all, using the projector means that Smart Klaus THT performs more effectively but isn't more expensive than a laser.
To ensure that the assembly process is not only free of errors but can also be performed by any worker, it needs to be as easy and convenient as possible. This is key when teaching untrained workers, overcoming language barriers or seamlessly integrating people with disabilities into the production process.
The pick-by-light function guides workers from manually picking up components to positioning them correctly. It also optimises ergonomics at the workstation because workers can continuously look at the workpiece, rather than having to consult a monitor.
This makes it virtually impossible to mix up parts that have an identical design or geometry. This is also true of components with a marking on the side that cannot be read by a camera.
These were reasons enough for us to equip the Smart Klaus THT assistance system with the pick-to-light function.